Sunday 3 July 2011

I'll prove it

Not so well in spontaneous alteration? How do I know? I only went on the stage twice and you never told me.
OK,whatever(every time I say 'whatever' when I'm frustrated,I remember what Nicolas Sparks said in 'the last song'------>'whatever is just another way of saying *******',this is funny,but I don't meant that).
Yes,they are good,but I am not bad either,but then you chose them and I have nothing to say ,it is you to choose ,fair enough(not so).
I am not in rage,just a tad bit disappointed..I do respect you,of course ,because you're the teacher ,even though I think you're a little bit more on her side.It's okay,I don't mean anything here,just writing out my stupid little thoughts.What I want to say is,someday I am going to prove that I am worthy ,that you have made the wrong decision
Lastly,'buck up' to myself ,loser is the best because they always succeed in the end... 

Ps,ks ng you happen to see this(which I don't think you will),I'll say,gambateh to you too.You have very fine voice.=)
    and thanks to Ah Joy for supporting me whenever I'm down ,and I'm okay now ,guess that I'm not that used to failure.XD


  1. Gee... Thanks for the compliment...
    And don't call me ks Ng online. I don't really like to use my real name in this virtual world.

  2. Welcome welcome,just saying the truth.By the way,ks ng is not your real name,it's not even the initial of your very real name.So,it's ok calling you ks ng right?I prefer ks ng,wakakakakakakakaka(witch laughing).

  3. I think I know why you liked it... Cause it sounds like "Kek Sui" Ng... lol

  4. Ho ho ho,no no no,what makes you think I am that bad?I said that before,I prefer ks ng because it sounds like'kissing' and I know you're that kind of person who kinda hate this word so I prefer to call you ks ng.
    There there,it makes sense now.
